Dividend Stamps were introduced in 1965. It was an alternative to the traditional methods of paying the 'divi', and as a response to the adoption of trading stamps by other food retailers (Tesco adopted the Green Shield stamps scheme). Some individual societies operated their own stamp schemes but the CWS National scheme was in use from 1969. Don't know when they ceased.
Further reading : Trading Stamps - Wikipedia
I just came across a couple of books but it is the Sunwin Motor group that had them last. If=n fact I bought y last car from Sunwin and got points on my co-op card for doing so
i have a page of them but was woundering how much they are worth now and if they are worth something i was wishing to sell is it a good idea
I found some of the 5 coop stamps in a house clearance, if you want to complete your book, let me know at andythedarkone@hotmail.co.uk
I just found a load in the attic of my new house. Are they of any value?
I've got 3 books full of the ones in your picture two are full of 5's one is full of the 40's
I've got 3 books full of the ones in your picture two are full of 5's one is full of the 40's
I have two books of the ones in your photo One is complete with 40's stamps The second one only two or three pages full. Are they of any value?
Does anyone take them or know if they are of any worth I have a few books
Hi great readiing your blog
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